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Tel. 031 372 16 02

Für Reservationen über 15 Personen bitten wir Sie uns doch kurz noch per Telefon zu kontaktieren. Herzlichen Dank.

Monday - Friday
6.00 Uhr - 22.00 Uhr
Tel: 031 372 16 02

We have decided to create a humble but refined environment where our respected patrons can enjoy the finest quality seafood prepared with the utmost diligence

Leverage agile frameworks to provide a robust synopsis for high level overviews. Iterative approaches to corporate strategy foster collaborative thinking to further the overall value proposition. Organically grow the holistic world view of disruptive innovation via workplace diversity and empowerment. Capitalize on low hanging fruit to identify a ballpark value added activity to beta test. Override the digital divide with additional clickthroughs from DevOps. Nanotechnology immersion along the information highway will close the loop art customer service.

Podcasting operational change management inside of workflows to establish a framework. Taking seamless key performance indicators offline to maximise the long tail. Keeping your eye on the ball while performing a deep dive on the start-up mentality to derive convergence on cross-platform integration. Efficiently unleash cross-media information without cross-media value. Quickly maximize timely deliverables for real-time schemas. Dramatically maintain clicks-and-mortar solutions without functional solutions cutting-edge deliverables.

SchnipoCHF 14.50

RindshacksteakCHF 14.50

4 Stk. Poulet NuggetsCHF 14.50

Ravioli gefüllt mit RatatouilleCHF 22.50

GemüsecurryCHF 20.50

Reichhaltiges Gemüse – TellerCHF 23.50

Gebratene Zanderfilets (P)CHF 31.50

Gebratene Eglifilets (P)CHF 32.50

RindsfiletsteakCHF 42.50

SchweinsfiletmedaillonsCHF 26.50

Pouletgeschnetzeltes an CurryCHF 24.50

SchweinsbratwurstCHF 25.50

„Züüri Gschnätzlets“CHF 28.50

„Suuri Kalbsläberli“CHF 28.50

PouletbrustCHF 28.50

LammrückenfiletCHF 34.50

Ross – EntrecôteCHF 38.00

Rinds – EntrecôteCHF 37.00

SchweinssteakCHF 29.50

WienerschnitzelCHF 32.00

Cordon bleu (Kalbfleisch)CHF 34.00

Käsefondue pro PersonCHF 25.50

KuttelnCHF 21.50

RindszungeCHF 19.50

Kalbskopf „Bahnhöfli Art“CHF 20.50

Wildschweinpfeffer (EU)CHF 26.50

Reichhaltiges Berner – TellerCHF 31.00

Fitness – TellerCHF

Wurst-KäsesalatCHF 19.50

WurstsalatCHF 18.50

SiedfleischsalatCHF 19.50

OchsenmaulsalatCHF 19.50

Vitello tonnatoCHF 26.50

Kaltes RoastbeefCHF 26.50

Nüsslersalat mit Ei und SpeckCHF 16.50

Nüsslersalat mit Ei und SpeckCHF 12.50

KürbissuppeCHF 8.50

Rinds – TartarHauptgang CHF 28.50

Rinds – TartarVorspeise CHF 17.50

Salat OperaHauptgang CHF 22.50

Salat OperaVorspeise CHF 14.50

Tagesmenu 2 Mittwoch 19.02.2025CHF 20.00

Gemischter SalatCHF 9.50

Grüner SalatCHF 8.50

TagessuppeCHF 7.50

WochenhitCHF 25.50

Tagesmenu Mittwoch 19.02.2025CHF 19.00

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© 2020 Copyright Rest. Bahnhof Weissenbühl

Entworfen mit Liebe und von Marcel Moser – Kommunikationsdesign